Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday Fitday...

It's that time again y'all. How's it going? Have you stayed true to your commitments or have you slipped back into that couch with your chips and chocolate? I'll be the first to admit that I've had a few slips, but for the most part I'm progressing. Here's some things that keep me going... 
They call 'em "norts". I call them my obsession. We went to Academy Saturday and I swear I could've spent a thousand dollars on workout clothes there. I think you workout better when you feel like you look cute. I'm just saying. 
Yeah that's the goal. Oh and one more thing... 
The family finally has a beach vacation planned. Isn't that enough motivation? 
So how's it going ya'll? 
Any advice or tips that have helped? 
Keep going. It'll be worth it. 

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