Friday, December 16, 2011

It's Almost Here...

I can't believe that Christmas is almost here.
I finished up most of my shopping last night with Benji.
It's a good thing we didn't kill each other.
I didn't have a list.
He likes list.
He was on a mission.
I like to browse.
Yeah, we don't exactly shop the same way.
Yesterday was the last day of school for the kiddos that I pick up from school.
I decided to make gift bags for everybody and
cupcakes for the three that would be in the car.
I used fonts from for the tags and special note inside.
 The cupcakes have a little Christmas tree on them.
I think that I've had enough laziness for a while.
Starting tomorrow, I'm gonna get all the presents wrapped and under the tree.
I'm gonna finish my shopping...for good.
At least I've already started.
My obsession with burlap has carried over to my gift wrapping.
On a lighter note, I took a break (one of my many breaks today) from
cleaning and decided to eat some popcorn.
Well, begging sure did make Abbie sleepy.
She started to fall asleep as she was begging for popcorn.
I took a picture as she was falling asleep...

 So cute.
I love her.
Between me and you, she's getting a new collar for Christmas.
It's almost here.
Merry Christmas Y'all :)

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